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Evaluate Job Offers

Students who master the resume, cover letter and interview can find great success. They may even be offered more than one job or internship. So how do they decide which one to accept?

General Considerations

Always make sure you read the entire job offer carefully and consider all components. Make sure to get everything in writing if possible, verbal promises and understandings are not binding and hard to verify.

Make sure any counter offer you suggest is based on reality. An employer can withdraw an offer if your requests are seen as unreasonable. 

The main items to consider include:

It is important to understand that your benefits may have a large impact on your overall compensation, and some jobs with a lower salary and better benefits may be the better option overall. Consider the two jobs below:

Job 1: $40,000/yr 
With full benefits
Base salary: $40,000
Health insurance: $7,800
Life insurance: $1,200
Vacation (12 days/yr):  $1,846
Sick (10 days/yr): $1,528
Total: $52,374
Job 2: $50,000/yr
With Partial Benefits
Base salary: $50,000
Health insurance: (-$7,800)
Life insurance: (-$1,200)
Vacation (6 days/yr): $1,154
Sick (10/yr): $1,923
Total: $44,077

In this situation, the job that pays $40,000 but offers full benefits is the better option for most people. Each person has different needs so you need to evaluate what offer is best for you personally.

Salary Research Sites

The following links offer free resources for you to research salaries.

Cost Of Living Considerations

If you are planning to relocate you will also need to consider the cost of living. What it costs to live the same lifestyle can vary greatly from city to city. Use the links below to compare different locations.

Post-Graduation Data

See where other Northwest graduates are working and salary information on our Post-graduation data page.

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