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Dr. 布莱恩·海塞

Dr. 布莱恩·海塞






Joined Northwest in 2002

Professor of Political Science


  • Ph.D., International Relations; London School of Economics 和 Political Science
    • Marshall Scholar: One of forty American undergraduates selected to study for an advanced degree in Great Britain
    • Ph.D. Advisor: Professor James Mayall, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Engl和
  • B.A., Political Science; Kansas State University (Honors Program)
  • B.A., History; Kansas State University (Honors Program)
    • Honors Program Thesis: "The Banana Will Return: A Traveler's Journal"

Courses Taught

  • African World
  • Africa in Modern Media
  • International Relations
  • International Conflict Resolution
  • Global Events 和 Trends
  • Political Economy
  • Economic Development
  • Public Policy
  • Intro to American Government
  • Honors Introduction to American Government
  • Research Seminar in Political Science

Academic Interest

  • Africa, Middle East 和 Islam
  • International Affairs
  • Political Economy

Scholarly Activity

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "Why Deploy To Somalia?  Underst和ing Six African Countries’ Reasons for Sending Soldiers to one of the World’s Most-Failed States,” Journal of Middle East 和 Africa2015年秋季.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "Africa’s Intoxicating Beer Markets,” African Studies Review, 2015年春季.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "Two Generations, Two Interventions in One of the World’s Most-Failed States:  The United States, Kenya 和 Ethiopia in Somalia," Journal of Asian 和 African Studies2014年秋季.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩.  “索马里.”  2,500-word entry in the Oxford Companion to American Politics (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2012).
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "The Myth of Somalia," The Journal of Contemporary African Studies,卷. 28, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 247-259. A special issue of the jca 题为 Somalia - State Collapse, Terrorism 和 Piracy.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "Where Somalia Works," The Journal of Contemporary African Studies,卷. 28, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 343-362. A special issue of the jca 题为 Somalia - State Collapse, Terrorism 和 Piracy.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "Celebrate of Hold Suspect? Bill Clinton 和 George W. Bush in Africa," Journal of Contemporary African Studies,卷. 23, Number 3, September 2005.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "The Peugeot 和 the Baobab: Islam, Structural Adjustment 和 Liberalism in Senegal," Journal of Contemporary African Studies,卷. 22, Number 1, January 2004.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "The World in Three Spheres: Mere Coexistence with a Nuclear North Korea,"Journal of Asia-Pacific Affairs,卷ume 5, Number 2, 2004.
  • 黑森州,布莱恩. "The Rise of Liberal Economics in South Africa," International Journal,卷ume LVI, Number 2, Spring 2001.

  • SOMALIA: State Collapse, Terrorism 和 Piracy (Edited by 布莱恩·海塞)
    (Oxford, Engl和; New York, USA; Routledge, April 2011. 176页. $125.00. 精装. 国际标准图书编号978-0-415-59463-9.)
  • The United States, South Africa 和 Africa: OF GRAND FOREIGN POLICY AIMS AND MODEST MEANS
    (Aldershot, Engl和; Burlington, USA; Singapore; Sydney: Ashgate Publishers, August 2001. Xvi + 238页. 数据. Illustrations. 笔记. Select Bibliography. 指数. $63.50. 精装. 国际标准图书编号 0-7546-1739-4.)

Student Group Advisement

  • Senior Mentor for Northwest’s Emergency 和 Disaster Management program.  Member of the Consortium for Humanitarian Service 和 教育 with an emphasis on international deployments in response to overseas crises 和 disasters (see

其他 Professional Experiences

  • Owner 和 guide for Cowabunga Safaris conducting safaris all over the African continent.


Dr. 布莱恩·海塞 is a Professor of Political Science at Northwest Missouri State University. 书 of his include the edited Somalia: State Collapse, Terrorism 和 Piracy 和 The United States, South Africa 和 Africa: Of Gr和 Foreign Policy Aims 和 Modest Means. Articles of his have appeared in African Studies ReviewJournal of Contemporary African StudiesThe Journal of Asian 和 African Studies, Current History, International Journal, Journal of Asia-Pacific Affairs, 和 other publications. Research of his has been featured on National Public Radio, on the nationally-syndicated segment “The Academic Minute.”  Since 1998, Dr. Hesse has served as a guide for, 和 owner of, company Cowabunga Safaris.

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