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The 同学会委员会 has announced royalty candidates for the University’s 2023 Homecoming celebration.

学生们可以在10月9日星期一午夜开始投票. 9, by 登录CatPAWS; voting ends at midnight Wednesday, Oct. 18. 国王和王后将于10月10日星期四公布. 19日,晚上7点开始的返校综艺节目结束时.m. 在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心. 综艺节目的门票是5美元.


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Year: Senior

Major: 企业管理

Hometown: Raymore,密苏里州

校园活动: Sigma Phi Epsilon,博爱委员会,纽曼中心,学生会


我喜欢综艺节目带来的兴奋感, running skit and being an actor for the past few years has been a highlight of my college career. Seeing the pride on everyone's faces after they see the crowd appreciating their hard work makes me grin.


成为熊猫意味着拥有第二个家庭. 无论我转到哪个角落,我知道我都会看到一张微笑的脸. 仅仅是在校园里,我几乎每天都能认识新的人, 我知道我在这里建立的关系将会影响我的一生. I'm so grateful for every person I've met here and the different things they've taught me. 成为熊猫也意味着能够成长, and pushing others to do the same; a true bearcat is the best version of themself, every day!

个人座右铭: 笑容曾在哪里,皱纹只会去哪里.



Year: Senior

Major: 体育课

Hometown: 奥拉西,堪萨斯

校园活动: Sigma Tau, 蓝钥匙荣誉协会, 校园娱乐, StuMo, 篮球俱乐部, 女子篮球侦察队


The way the Northwest and Maryville community comes together and gets involved.


Being a Bearcat means you hold yourself to a higher standard and you become a part of a family.

个人座右铭: 如果这对你很重要,谁又会在意别人.

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Darren Ross

Year: Senior

Major: 计算机科学

Hometown: St. 路易斯,密苏里州

校园活动: 少数族裔男子组织, 黑人学生会, 第101届学生会, CSIS学生大使, 非洲学生组织, 国际学生组织和三重奏


综艺节目,因为我曾经是主持人 & 游行的所有不同的活动.


Being a Bearcat means to provide the best experience to others and towards yourself. Opening your mind to all of what Northwest has to offer and making a mark on this campus bringing your full self to each and every interaction. 在那里你会找到归属感继承你真正的熊猫骄傲!

个人座右铭: 我只能做我自己!


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Coy Kirby

Year: Senior

Major: 器乐教育

Hometown: 韦斯顿,密苏里州

校园活动: Bearcat Marching Band, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, and National Association for Music Education.




Being a Bearcat means stepping out of your comfort zone and learning more about yourself.

个人座右铭: 知道自己是谁,并坚持下去.


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Year: Senior

Major: 农业企业

Hometown: 密苏里州蒙特罗斯,

校园活动: Delta Tau Alpha荣誉协会, 综合农场局, 欧米茄荣誉学会勋章, Alpha Gamma Rho兄弟会, 校友会主席, 学生参议院


There are so many things to love about Northwest's Homecoming that it is hard to pick one. From the competitions and activities that run throughout the week to the final competition in the stadium, 整个星期都很棒, 但如果让我选一个, 是返校节让和记棋牌娱乐聚在一起庆祝. 即使有竞争, 星期六结束前, 所有的学生, Alumni, 社区成员, and friends of the university join together to celebrate our great institution, 我最喜欢的就是这种联系.


Being a Bearcat for me is best defined in the University's Values taught to every Freshman, 特别的完整性, respect, 和卓越. 熊人是那些努力工作以在生活中脱颖而出的人. 熊是朋友, and they have the integrity to support their friends and respect the people they meet in life along the way.


Many of the organizations I have had the privilege of membership have shaped me as an individual, 我的座右铭就是来自这些组织. 从4-氢和α γ,到“使最好的更好”和从FFA...为服务而活.". 我的人生目标是做到最好,为未来服务.



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Bradlie Wilmes

Year: Senior

Major: 农业教育

Hometown: 克拉琳达,爱荷华州

校园活动: Collegiate Farm Bureau - 2022-2023 President Block and Bridle - 2022-2023 Vice President Sigma Alpha - Alpha Beta Chapter Collegiate Cattlemen's Association Delta Tau Alpha Agricultural Honor Society


It is truly gratifying to watch individuals from across campus come together to participate in homecoming festivities. The homecoming parade is an opportunity for members of our Bearcat Family to showcase all of their hard work. I love watching current students and alumni flood Maryville to show their pride and love for Northwest while creating new bonds.


Being a Bearcat means growing alongside staff and students that quickly become lifelong family. The Bearcat family supports one another throughout our time at Northwest and continues to be a family to connect with after graduation.

个人座右铭: 带着目标过好每一天.

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Obioma Nwuba

Year: Junior

Major: 幼儿教育

Hometown: 阿南布拉州,尼日利亚

校园活动: African Students Organization; International Students Organization; Student Missouri State Teachers Association; 第101届学生会. 职业服务中心的职业大使和写作中心的导师


My favorite part of homecoming is the Bearcat pride that we get to show through the various activities and how it not only reenergizes us to finish the semester strong but also fosters the formation of strong bonds that will last a lifetime.


成为熊猫意味着拥抱各种可能性. It means being a part of a supportive community and finding a home among people, classes, 以及你关心的活动和关心你的活动. It means knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to by fully trusting the process.

个人座右铭: 展示一切可能——教导、爱、激励.

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Year: Senior

Major: 社会研究-历史教育

Hometown: 乔普林,密苏里州

校园活动: 第101届学生会, 校董会, Phi Mu, 总统遴选委员会, 欧米茄勋章, 写作中心


My favorite part about homecoming is the overwhelming amount of Bearcat pride. 看到这么多的校友真是太棒了, friends, 社区成员, 等等,回到一个他们同样热爱并称之为家的地方.


成为熊猫意味着有归属感. There is an automatic, welcoming feeling by simply being apart of the Northwest family. 它创造了如此多的积极和联系,将持续一生.

个人座右铭: “一个今天胜似两个明天。.——本杰明·富兰克林

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Year: Senior

Major: Psychology

Hometown: 内布拉斯加州的奥马哈市

校园活动: 阿尔法,西格玛阿尔法,泛希腊议会


My favorite thing about homecoming is how many people line up on Fourth Street to watch the parade. It is the best feeling when you are walking in the parade and see so many people from both the Northwest and Maryville community cheering for the float or act you have been working so hard on for the past few months.


To me, being a Bearcat means that you are a part of a community that pushes you to excel both in your academics and extracurricular activities. You are expected to be supportive of others in the community and do what you can to help them to succeed. It means you are apart of a life long network of people that you know will have your back and best interest.

个人座右铭: You get out what you put in, don't be afraid to put yourself out there and take the chance!

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Ashton Dain

Year: Senior

Major: 大众传媒:体育传媒

Hometown: 奥拉西,堪萨斯

校园活动: Women's Soccer, 蓝钥匙荣誉协会, Lambda Pi Eta, Northwest Communication Social Media Intern


Seeing the Northwest Community come together from all different ages and alumni to celebrate the Bearcat Culture. #OABAAB


Being a Bearcat to me, means having pride in who I am and the others I surround myself with. Connecting with different groups of people, to care and protect each other as family. Moreover, set an example for others and have a high standard for my actions in school, life, family, and friends.

个人座右铭: “我能,我也会”