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Summer Session Evaluations

Evaluations for 2024 Summer Component

Directions:  Please have your summer class schedule with you prior to completing the evaluations.  On your schedule, place a checkmark next to each class once you have completed the evaluation.  The staff member facilitating the evaluations will be available to answer any questions.  Read all directions carefully on this page and in each survey prior to completing.

Summer Program Evaluation (All Students Complete)

Needs Assessment Post-Evaluation (All Students)

Academic & Counseling Workshop Evaluations (Rising Sophomores-Rising Seniors)

Directions: Complete the evaluation of your class's Academic Workshop.  Example: If you are a Rising Sophomore, complete the Rising Sophomore Workshop with Jessie Lundy and Jennifer McDowell.

Academic Course Instructor Evaluations (Rising Sophomores-Rising Seniors)

Directions: Only complete one evaluation for each Instructor you have had in class this summer.  If you took two classes in one core area, for instance, English, only complete one evaluation for Mr. Vinzant.  If you did not have a subject, for instance, Math, do not complete the Math evaluation with Mr. Fisher.

Teaching Assistant Evaluations (Rising Sophomores-Rising Seniors)

Directions: Only complete one evaluation for each Teaching Assistant you have had in class this summer. Teaching Assistants were in the classrooms assisting your instructors and/or co-teaching lessons.  If you did not have a subject, for instance, Math, do not complete the Math evaluation with Mr. Mark Falke.

Enrichment Teachers (Rising Sophomore-Rising Junior)

Directions: Complete the evaluation of the Enrichment Teachers you had in the afternoons.  Example: If you were in Aryon Fergeson's Baking it Healthy, complete the evaluation that has his name listed on it. If you had the same Enrichment Teacher for both hours, simply complete one evaluation.

RA Family Group Leader (All Students Complete)

Directions: Complete the evaluation of the RA you had as your Family Group Leader.  Example: If you were in Season's Family Group, complete the evaluation that has Season's name listed on it.

Bridge Program Evaluation (Bridge Students Only)

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